Spider's Web


         Katie Melua/凯蒂·玛露芳龄19岁,生于前苏联的乔治亚共和国,成长于莫斯科、黑海、北爱尔兰及伦敦。小时梦想可以从政或成为史学家的她,就读英国表演艺术学校时被名音乐制作人Mike Batt(陈美、棒辣妹)慧眼发掘,签入独立厂牌DRAMATICO旗下。2003年底,首支单曲“The Closest Thing To Crazy”甫发行便强登英国金榜Top 10。不久,广获好评的首张专辑一举挤下英伦人气天后Dido/蒂朵、击退Norah Jones/诺拉琼斯,荣获6周英国金榜后座,成为英国2004开春迄今最畅销专辑。<BR>    声线兼备蓝调、民谣、爵士味道的Katie Melua,常被乐评拿来与诺拉琼丝相提并论。但她那相较甜美清澈的年轻嗓音,让人遥想起已逝的跨界流行爵士美声Eva Cassidy。而在被Mike Batt发掘的那天,Katie所演唱的正好就是受Eva启发而写下的创作曲“Faraway Voice”。此外,她也自承在音乐方面受到Queen、Joni Mitchell、Bob Dylan和印度音乐及爱尔兰民谣等多类乐风的影响.


spider's web

 If a black man is racist, is it okay<BR>When it's the white man's racism that made him that way<BR>Because the bully's the victim they say<BR>By some sense they're all the same<BR>Because the line between<BR>Wrong and right<BR>Is the width of a thread<BR>From a spider's web<BR>The piano keys are black and white<BR>But they sound like a million colours in your mind<BR>I could tell you to go to war<BR>Or I could march for peace and fighting no more<BR>How do I know which is right<BR>And I hope he does when he sends you to fight<BR>Because the line between wrong and right<BR>Is the width of a thread from a spider's web<BR>The piano keys are black and white<BR>But they sound like a million colours in your mind<BR>Should we act on a blame<BR>Or should we chase the moments away<BR>Should we live<BR>Should we give<BR>Remember forever the guns and the feathers in time<BR>Because the line between wrong and right<BR>Is the width of a thread from a spider's web<BR>The piano keys are black and white<BR>But they sound like a million colours in your mind<BR>The piano keys are black and white<BR>But they sound like a million colours in your mind<BR>But they sound like a million colours in your mind</DIV></EMBED>

[本日志由 asky 于 2007-10-30 10:25 PM 编辑]
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